Chapter 4

Hate you, Not
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"What's going on over there?" I stopped, making suhyun stop as well and looked at where I'm looking. Students gathered at the bulletin and some squealed with excitement.

Suhyun and I looked at each other and decided to check it out. We looked at the bulletin board and gasped. School attack! Later at lunch. I bit my lips

"You think you can make it?" She glanced at me.

"I may need to go over the speed limit." I whispered.

"Let's just use our phones for now?" I looked at her like she committed a crime

"That's preposterous! Phone cameras don't do them justice." I ranted

"Well I did tell you to carry the camera everywhere cause you never know."

"DSLRs aren't really that handy and it isn't that lightweight to carry around." I grumbled a response

"Who do you think it'll be?" I hear excitement on her voice

"Hopefully bts. I miss sugababe sooo much." I clasped my hands together and prayed.

"Do you think you can make time for me?" I looked over to her and she thought about it.

"Plan c?" I nodded. We created plan A-Z on ways to escape school without being tagged as cutting classes. We need to graduate after all.

We walked hand in hand to our room and it turns out we'll only be having one class this morning. Okaayyy.

As soon as the school bell rang, I sprinted off to my bike.

"I'll save us a spot and bring your lunch." I smiled and drove off.

I quickly took my camera bag and went back immediately. In case of emergencies like this, I just leave my camera bag by our front door for easy access.

I was running through the hall when I bumped into someone. It felt like slow motion when my camera jolted out from my hands. I reached out to it but I was pulled back when arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to stand up straight.

A deafening crash resounded as I looked at my camera in disbelief.

"You're welcome." My jaw dropped and my head slowly turned to a guy wearing a bucket hat. A familiar one! And a mask.

"You're welcome?!" I screeched

"Oh, I would still accept thank you." I breathed in deep. Somebody stop me before I become a criminal.

"I do not thank you! Look at what you've done to my camera?!" I pointed and the lens detached to the body.

"You were falling forward." He blinked. I held my nape, feeling my blood boiling up.


"Uh, sorry, you mean when YOU bumped into ME." Unb

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I'm sorry if I can't update right now. Specially Hate You, Not. I've never felt so broken since 2ne1's disbandment. Help me cope this heartache. Huhuhuhu


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Chapter 30: Omg idk if ur still a fan, but if u are, would u ever consider a bihi ff based on daydream or savior?
AniraKae #2
Chapter 30: I’m crying, I need Hanbin back with iKON. and during Hayi’s promotion, I honestly feel like Hanbin was happy, most of us know how he was depressed (lets be honest, most of the idols are) , and being in a duo with Hayi probably made him genuinely happy, but it ended too soon.

I love how you throw shade at other people who judge though, thank you for that. nd thnks for this story. I love it
Chapter 30: im very happy with the endingg ????
tyamutz23 #4
Chapter 30: This is so good. Thank you ms author ❤️❤️❤️ BiHi forever
Chapter 6: Knew would love this after reading the prologue. Just finished chapter 4 with a huge smile.
Missshiny #6
Chapter 30: Thumbs up for youuu... thank you for creating such a good bihi ff :)
Chapter 27: im head over heels for bihi
aradia10 #8
Chapter 27: Oh genial y triste a la vez.
Nose porque siento que Hanbin se irá:(
NLFuerte17 #9
Chapter 24: Love it! It really is a good au. Love sassy Hayi and how she gets all flustered when Hanbin gets close. HiSuhyun are great!
Chapter 23: IKON WILL ALWAYS BE 7 !! *internationals hugs* waiting for you update :)